Hey with Zion CofE / Methodist Primary School


Over the last few years there have been many discussions nationally about children attending school and the impact absence has on the child’s development and academic achievements. Some of this information is confusing and some parents never quite know what the impact of their child’s absence has on their attainment (what grades they get) and achievements (how much progress they make). The information below shows the effect of absence of your child’s potential to do their best in school.

Facts from the Authority

90% attendance = ½ day missed every week!

90% attendance = 1 day missed every other week!

90% attendance = 4 whole weeks of lessons missed!

90% attendance over 5 years of school = ½ a school year missed!

Research suggests that 17 missed school days a year = GCSE grade DROP in achievement. (DCSF)

We’re sure you will agree this puts what may be regarded as relatively low absence into context.


Persistent Absence

Any child whose attendance falls below 90% is regarded nationally as a child who has persistent absence.

Pupils attend school for a maximum of 190 days each academic year. Unauthorised absence may lead to a Penalty Notice and Fixed Penalty Fine of £60 being imposed.


At Hey with Zion, every class takes part in a half termly attendance competition- a fun way of encouraging good attendance. All children with a 96% or higher attendance for a full year enter a draw for a major prize: last year’s winners each won £40 Smyths vouchers.

We know that good attendance is essential for optimum learning at school.

The average attendance for a child in England is 96.1%. At Hey with Zion School our average attendance is updated weeky on the website home page. We are constantly striving to improve attendance and rely on your support to help us improve our attendance.



All schools must follow statutory guidelines with respect to holiday requests during term time. For full details of Government guidance please click here.

Please follow the link below to request a leave of absence which will be considered on an individual basis by the Headteacher

Request for Leave of Absence